Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Angels use yellow envelopes...

Bet you didn't know that! :)) Here's just one of the miraculous ways the Lord has worked in our lives today...

Darren called me and told me two of Sophia's prescriptions were ready at Dunn Discount Drug. She isn't on our insurance yet, so we have to pay for them put of pocket...and, you guessed it, they are not cheap. So I told Darren I would call him back and let him know what to do. I pull up and find angels had been at the house again. There was a cute little princess pj set on the rocking chair. So sweet!! I continued to unload the car and then I noticed the yellow envelope on the table, identical to the one I posted about a month ago. In it was a note and exactly enough money to pay for what the prescription would cost!!!! This angel had no idea we would need that amount of money today!! But God did, and like I said before, He is using these precious people as His sweet messengers to bless this family. I have no idea who you are...but I know one thing...you are definitely an angel!!!!!!!

To God be the glory...great things He is doing!!!!!


  1. What a testimony of God's love for Sophia to hear and see of all the good things he has done to bring the three of y'all together. Love angels and love the three of you!!! OUR PRAYERS TO THE HUGHES FAMILY!!!! GOD is your pilot Margie

  2. So exciting to see God bless through people that love you:) Sitting on the edge of my seat...ready to follow along:)
