Friday, October 22, 2010

i thought anything fried would be good...

until now. Fried snake? Come on! No way!!! And no, fried snake is not the newest rage at the state is actually a favorite dish in...China!

I was reading the blog of a sweet gal (from NC) who is in China at this very moment. After their gotcha day with their precious little girl, they decided to go back to the orphanage to see where the little girl was found and where she had spent the last couple of years. Very, very touching. Then she shares that the Nannies and Directors of the orphanage start bringing out food for them all to enjoy. In China, you eat what they set before do not want to offend them (It's funny because my devotions this morning came from 1 Corinthians were Paul was talking about eating and not offending the folks you are with...!). So, they start eating and enjoying the breaking of bread and noodles together when they bring out...fried SNAKE! I get all creepy just thinking about it! UGH...seriously? Thankfully their guide rescued them from the fried snake...but I can't help but wonder what I would do in that situation. I'd probably ask God to bless it as only He could and then smile and pray, pray, pray I don't embarrass myself by unwillingly purging what I just forced myself to eat.

And then I'd probably say what everybody else says about exotic food...
"it tastes like chicken!"


  1. haha...makes me nervous as our girls are in the same orphanage...i am going to start praying now...and my poor Charlie only eats peanut butter, chicken and maybe one or two other things...and the list doesn't include snakes, I can promise you!!

  2. I say eat it, learning and loving culture and food is such a big part. We ate crocadile and it was finger licking good!
