Friday, March 18, 2011

an 'oprah show' moment

if you've seen her favorite things episode, then you can imagine me at the mail box yesterday when I opened the grant letter from Show Hope. Yep, I went crazy! I was crying, dancing, praising Jesus, pulling my neighbor's hair (, I didn't...I was the only one at the mail box at the time....lucky for them), just wild with excitement! Darren had worked for days filling out grant applications. He claimed it was as bad as putting the dossier together, which is absolutely NOT true, but nonetheless, the applications were very detailed and time consuming. And we have been turned down time and time again. We were getting discouraged. And then (cue the angels singing), it came! The grant from Show Hope! $3000!!!! Now maybe you can understand why I made such a spectacle of myself at the mail box yesterday. What a blessing! When we first started on this journey, we had no clue how we would pay for it. But God did...and He keeps meeting our needs RIGHT ON TIME!!!! Friend, life is not easy, there are many ups and downs, twists and turns. But when we place our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, we are letting Him take control. He truly has our best interest at heart...and when He says no, just remember...there is always a greater YES! Thank you Lord for showing me that again yesterday. May YOU get the glory YOU deserve through our lives!!!!


  1. wooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo -praying we open a yes soon as well:) Got anohter No yesterday!

  2. Margy, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! What wonderful news! You are right - God always provides right when it is needed. So happy for you.
